We envision a Spartanburg where:
We learn the truth about our history and present - including the nature and origins of our racial disparities - through school, media, museums, monuments, and more.
We affirm our shared humanity, value and care for each other, and build a multiracial democracy and community of, by, and for the people - including acknowledging actions that caused harm and building new lines of accountability to Black citizens.
Everyone - whatever their identity or zip code - can thrive, realize their capabilities, engage meaningfully in community life, and contribute to the flourishing of others. There are no racial wealth or health gaps.
In this 2 minute video, Dr. Gail Christopher describes the Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation (TRHT) framework, which has been her life’s work, to Scott Cochran and ~2,000 people in Spartanburg, South Carolina at the City’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration on January 20, 2020. Her words are laid over images from other events in Spartanburg’s 2020 Unity Week.